Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I'm excited to begin this new blog to share Charlotte Mason with you by way of our family's educational experiences and resources.

The CM road for homeschooling continually inspires me to keep teaching. I look forward to the next year, the new books we will read. I look behind with satisfaction at the depth of accomplishment (while still learning how to change and do better! We make several kinds of changes every year ~ poor oldest child really bears the brunt of forging our school path). I watch my children at present, still learning the habit of sweet, even temper (as opposed to complaining ~ they are normal children after all) and, sometimes despite themselves, connecting with books and artists and the physical world ~ connecting with their Creator.

I feel a kinship with Miss Mason and those who use her methods. It's a great journey to be on.
Charlotte Mason voices ideas that are applicable even beyond homeschooling, and I'm glad to share part of the journey with you.

If you're fuzzy on the details of who Charlotte Mason is, these links give helpful synopses:

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